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Via Trento, 18
21040 Sumirago Varese
+39 0331 908003
Monday to Friday
9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30
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Applications and ways of use

How to get started on shaving or saw dust litter

1. 7 days before starting, add big quantities of shaving or saw dust, to create at least a 20cm high litter. The purpose is to reach an already ready to work litter for Enzymes; do not clean the floor with any kind of disinfectant as it will kill enzymes.

2. During this first week daily add shaving or saw dust, take away the wet parts and the manure, by turning the litter upside down.

3. The eighth day, remove the wet parts and the manure and place all the litter in a corner of the box.

4. Take 150gr of ENZYMES CATALIZZATORE: use the first 50gr to distribute equally on the floor.

5. Spread half of the litter with a rake, and distribute equally an other 50gr on it.

6. Spread the remaining part of litter on the previous one and distribute the last 50gr.

7. Add new shaving or saw dust until reaching a 20cm high litter.

8. From now on, only take away the manure; never twist the litter.

9. Every third days for the first 5th times, add 150gr of enzymes and shaving or saw dust.

10.From this moment on it is fundamental that you arrive in 20 days to have a 25cm high pressed litter. Adding material now is very important, as the Enzymes will not work if the litter is too low: they cannot spread in the litter and work with the necessary degree of humidity. A low litter will get wet quickly and will last only a couple of months or so. In fact this type of litter must last (12/15 months) and absorb approximately 6000lt of urine. The material you will add will lengthen the litter’s lifetime and you will use less of it.


How to maintain the shaving or saw dust litter

1. Follow the enclosed table for the maintenance treatments. Spread 100gr of ENZYMES CATALIZZATORE every week. Consider that male horses tend to piss towards the centre while female horses tend to do it towards the sides. Consequently you must spread more enzymes where the litter is more dirty, without forgetting the other parts! If you notice higher quantities of ammonia, increase the treatments and quantities too, until a normal situation comes back. In very dry seasons you can dilute the enzymes in 30°C warm water to activate them more.

2. From now on you can start to save on the material used. You will use approximately 60% less material than you did before. Always remember that the litter must be dry and of the desired colour (light or dark). If you want a more whitish litter, the addition of shaving or saw dust must be divided in two or three times during the week, and not only once.

3. From now on never twist or move the litter but only take away the manure and even up the litter daily.

You must not use any kind of disinfectant, like creolin, lime or other products, on this type of litter. ENZYMES CATALIZZATORE is a natural disinfectant.

How to activate the litter on shavings or sawdust

Starting from a dirty litter of at least 7 days prepared by creating a box 20 cm high - where the sides were cleaned without removing urine and dark sawdust - so as to form a substrate in which the enzymes can start working, we mix well the litter. Daily remove the wet part and the bulk of the dejections, turning the litter box over. On the eighth day, remove the wet part and the bulk of the dejections, we make a pile of the material of the box and we start with 150 g of Enzymes Catalyst. Use 50 g and spread them evenly over the entire floor. Spread about half of the bedding heap, using a rake and spread another 50 g on the surface and then roll out the remaining, covering with plenty of new material, up to a height of 20 cm. From now on remove only the bulk of the dejections; the litter should no longer be turned. Every three days, for the first 5 times, spread 150 g of enzymes on the bedding and then add shavings or sawdust. (You can use coarse sawdust, because the enzymes working the urine produce steam and minerals and therefore the litter will always be a little wet, enough to avoid dust problems with the horses). Within 15 days you must arrive at an optimal bedding of 25/30 cm trampled. The addition of material in this phase is important, since a low litter does not allow the enzymes to distribute and work with a certain degree of humidity, moreover this type of litter will last over time (12/15 months) and will have to absorb about 6000lt of urine. A low bed litter quickly moistens and its duration is reduced (about 2 months). The material you are going to add will bring savings, extending the life of the litter box.

How to keep the litter on shavings or sawdust

Maintenance treatments include the 100 g of Enzymes Catalyst spread per week on the whole litter and to a greater extent in the dirtiest areas (taking into account that the males urinate towards the center of the litter and the females instead dirty more on the edges), but attention the enzymes must always be on the whole litter. If you experience an increase in ammonia, increase the treatments and the recommended dose until the return to normal. In very dry periods you can, to better activate the enzymes, dilute them in water at 30 ° c.

Here begins the phase that will save on the material used: about 60% less material is used than before. It is always necessary to bear in mind that the litter must be dry and the color (light or dark) you want. To obtain a clearer litter it is good that the chip addition is distributed in two or three weekly interventions and not in a single solution.

The daily operations are limited to the removal of the bulk of the dejections and the balance of the litter; it must never be turned over. On this type of litter no disinfectants or lime should be used. Enzymes Catalyst is a natural environmental sanitizer.

Our products are also effective for improving straw bedding! The big problem with straw is the low absorbency which leaves all the urine on the floor: obviously the litter does not become permanent but the 60 g of Enzymes spread every 2 days on the clean floor, always without disinfectants helps to fight the smell and opposes the onset of ammonia vapors.